Unlocking Your Child’s Potential: The Ultimate Picky Eater Profile

picky eater profile

Welcome back to another chat about conquering picky eating. Today, I’ve got something super cool to share with you that might just be the game-changer you’ve been looking for this year. We are talking about the profile of your picky eater! What are the puzzle pieces that we can put together to develop their profile- because when we know that, we know how to fix it!

Meet the Picky Eater Profile:

Alright, let’s dive into what I’ve cooked up for you – the Picky Eater Profile. It’s like a personalized quiz that breaks down six areas of your kiddo’s eating world. We’re talking about the gut, sensory, oral motor skills, the environment, fear factor, and mindset. This quiz (included in part of the Unlocking Mealtimes Workshop)is the real deal to get the lowdown on what’s cooking in your child’s picky eating adventure. It also emphasizes the importance of serving balanced meals to ensure good nutrition.

If you have concerns about your child’s diet, especially regarding necessary nutrients, this quiz can guide you on what to discuss with your pediatrician.

Gut Feelings of A Picky Eater:

kids belly

First up, the gut. We’re talking about any tummy troubles your kiddo might be dealing with – sensitivities, allergies, reflux, or general discomfort. Trust me, these can play a big role in turning your little one into a picky eater.

The digestive system is a foundational aspect of overall health, and when it’s off-balance, it can significantly impact a child’s willingness and ability to eat a variety of foods.

For example, if your child experiences discomfort after eating certain foods, they might develop an aversion to those foods and others that resemble them in taste, texture, or appearance. Understanding your child’s gut health can provide critical insights into their eating behaviors. Identifying and addressing these issues, perhaps with the help of a healthcare professional, can be a significant step toward resolving picky eating

Sensory Safari For Picky Eaters:

sensory bin

Now, let’s explore the sensory jungle. It’s not just about the basic five senses; there are actually eight! Are your kiddo’s sensory systems working together? We’re talking about how they see, smell, and feel their food- and go beyond that as well. It’s a sensory feast, and we need to know if all systems are a go.

Children who are picky eaters often have heightened sensitivities to certain textures, smells, or appearances of food. For instance, a child might refuse to eat foods that are mushy or slimy because they find the texture unpleasant. Others might be overly sensitive to strong smells or intense flavors. By identifying these sensory preferences and sensitivities, you can tailor meals to be more appealing to your child, gradually introducing new foods in a way that feels safe and manageable for them.

Munching Muscles – Oral Motor for Picky Eaters:

kids mouth

Hold onto your hats – oral motor time! Nearly every picky eater we’ve met has some oral motor quirks. It’s all about how your kiddo chomps down on food, controls their bite, and rocks that jaw stability. Even if it’s a minor glitch, there’s room for improvement. So, let’s not underestimate the power of these munching muscles.

Oral motor skills are essential for effective chewing and swallowing. Some children may have weak muscles in their mouths, making it difficult for them to handle certain textures or larger pieces of food. This can lead to a preference for softer, easier-to-eat foods, contributing to picky eating habits. By identifying and working on these oral motor skills, perhaps with the help of a speech or occupational therapist, you can improve your child’s ability to eat a wider variety of foods.

It’s All About the Environment When It Comes To Picky Eating:

parents at mealtimes

Now, let’s talk surroundings. Where your kiddo sits, how mealtime is set up – it matters! We sneak a peek at the mealtime environment because it plays a role in how we tackle picky eating. From chairs to positioning, we’re checking it all out.

The mealtime environment can significantly influence a child’s eating behaviors. A calm, structured, and positive environment can encourage better eating habits. Factors such as a comfortable seating arrangement, a distraction-free setting, and consistent mealtime routines can help create a supportive environment for trying new foods. On the other hand, a chaotic or stressful mealtime environment can exacerbate picky eating behaviors.

Facing the Fear of New Foods With Picky Eaters:

child afraid

Fear not, we’re on to the next one – fear factor. Is your child hesitant to try new foods? Are they spitting stuff out or not even giving it a chance? We need to know their fear status because it affects our game plan for making mealtime magic.

Many picky eaters have a genuine fear of trying new foods, a phenomenon known as food neophobia. This fear can stem from negative past experiences with food, sensory sensitivities, or anxiety about the unknown. Understanding your child’s specific fears and hesitations allows you to address them directly, using gradual exposure and positive reinforcement to make trying new foods less intimidating. We can also use techniques like The Safe and Sound Protocol to help relax the nervous system and make kids feel safe. 

Mindset Matters When It Comes To Picky Eating:


Last but not least, the mindset. It’s not just about your kiddo’s mindset; we’re curious about yours too. How you approach the picky eating adventure matters. So, we’re taking a peek into the mental game of both you and your little one. Promoting healthy eating habits through creative presentation and involving children in meal planning can make a big difference.

Your attitude and approach to your child’s picky eating can greatly influence their eating behaviors. A positive, patient, and persistent mindset can help create a supportive atmosphere that encourages your child to try new foods without pressure. Involving your child in meal planning and preparation can also give them a sense of control and ownership over their eating, making them more likely to try new things.

Get Your Picky Eater Profile:

This quiz isn’t a diagnosis, but it’s a roadmap. Each category gets a score from 0 to 100, indicating the level of concern. It’s like a GPS for your picky eater journey – showing you where to focus and in what order. Imagine having this insight into your child’s strengths and challenges!

By breaking down the various aspects of your child’s eating habits, the Picky Eater Profile provides a comprehensive overview of the factors contributing to their picky eating. This personalized insight allows you to target specific areas for improvement, making your approach to addressing picky eating more focused and effective.

Dive Deeper with Our Unlocking Mealtimes Course:

Excited to get your hands on this quiz? It’s part of our Unlocking Mealtimes course, and let me tell you, it’s worth it. For just $20, you not only get the quiz but also an hour and a half workshop full of strategies.

The Unlocking Mealtimes workshop is designed to provide parents with practical tools and techniques for addressing picky eating. 

Ready for a Feeding Revolution?

I’m genuinely thrilled about this quiz. It’s like having a secret weapon in the battle against picky eating. If you’re curious to explore your child’s feeding adventure further, dive into our world at foodologyfeedingtherapy.com/courses. Trust me; this quiz is a game-changer, and I can’t wait for you to try it!

Picky eating can be a challenging and frustrating experience for both parents and children. However, with the right tools and understanding, it’s possible to make significant progress. The Picky Eater Profile and the Unlocking Mealtimes course offer a comprehensive approach to understanding and addressing the many factors that contribute to picky eating. By focusing on the gut, sensory systems, oral motor skills, environment, fear factor, and mindset, you can create a tailored plan to help your child develop healthier eating habits.

If you’re dealing with a picky eater, don’t lose hope. The Picky Eater Profile can provide you with the insights you need to make meaningful changes. With patience, persistence, and the right strategies, you can help your child overcome their picky eating habits and develop a more varied and nutritious diet. So, take the quiz, explore the course, and embark on this journey to unlock better mealtimes for your family. Happy eating!

Stay Tuned for More:

Thanks for hanging out today! Subscribe to our channels on Instagram and YouTube so you won’t miss any of the exciting content we’ve got lined up for 2024.

Want to learn more? Watch Christine speak about this on this episode of How To Unpicky Your Picky Eater podcast:

how to unpicky your picky eater podcast

If you enjoy these tips, I have a podcast where I teach you lots of tips and tricks! Listen now to learn more!


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